6 Essential Pages For Your Website


Hey there! If you've found yourself reading this post, chances are that you are a creative trying to navigate creating a website for your business! Photographers, Interior Designers, Chefs, Florists, Wedding Planners, I’m talking to you!

I’m so excited for you! Having a website will truly take your creative business to the next level! There are a few reasons why having a website is absolutely essential for your creative business. 

First and foremost, having a website will build your business’s credibility. If you run an online, service-based business, think about your website like it’s your business’s own physical space. Brick and mortar businesses already have that credibility by having a physical place where customers/clients can go and meet the owner or physically see and hold products, or see their services happening in action. 

If you sell physical products or maybe sell both physical products and services, then a website is truly non-negotiable.

If you run an online business, you have to find a different way to build a potential client’s trust. Having social media is great for building awareness and trust but if you don’t have a professional website, you are selling your business short! 

Having a website is also a great way to convert clients to book with you, by having a strategically built site that leads clients straight to your contact/scheduling page! 

Okay, okay. Maybe you are already convinced that you need a website and that’s why you are here, so I won’t waste any more of your time. If you would like to learn more about why your business needs a website, check out my blog post - 6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Website

In this post, I will be covering exactly which pages and content you want that website to have to optimize your site to convert visitors into clients!

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    Okay, this one might seem obvious to you. Every website needs a homepage. But let’s dive into what exactly needs to be on your homepage because sometimes this isn’t so obvious. 

    Your home should showcase snippets of every aspect of your website. 

    Lead with an attention-grabbing header that leads into your mission statement. Your visitors should know what your business about within seconds of landing on your homepage. Create a homepage that your visitors will want to keep reading. Also, keep in mind that some people might land on your homepage knowing that they already want to work with you, so give them a clear call to action right up front. Add a link to read more about your services or you can even add a link that leads them straight to booking with you! 

    Some people may want to keep reading so your homepage should also have an about section that includes information about you and your business. Remember, to get people to work with you it all starts with the know and like factor. Share some fun facts about you while also offering informational/credabile content about your business.

    You are a creative so an obvious part of your homepage should showing off your gorgeous work! Make sure you have high quality photos of your work. If you are a photographer this is especially essential. Also offer a short snippet of info about each of your offers/packages/or services. Be sure to add a call to action button to lead visitors to your sales page. 

    Do you have a freebie you can offer to get people to subscribe to your email list? If you don’t have this yet, that’s okay! This is something you may want to think about adding to your marketing strategy. Once you do have a freebie to offer, make sure it is visible on your website so you can get people to sign up. Having email subscribers will allow you to speak straight to your audience and eventually sell to them. 

    Testimonials! Testimonials are a great way to gain your visitor’s trust. Having past clients say amazing things about working with you, is a great way for your potential clients to warm up to you and convince them that they need your service! If you don’t have testimonials yet, consider working with people at a discounted price to get two or three testimonials that you can share throughout your website and on social media! 

    Again, your home page should cover all aspects of your website, and your website should cover all aspects of your business! This is your chance to offer all the information you have to get clients to sign with you or to get people to buy your gorgeous products! Don’t be afraid to be repetitive within your site. It takes a few times for someone to hear or see something before they buy! 

    Too much info is better than not enough! 

    About Page

    Your about page is your chance to show visitors who you are so they can get to know you and grow to like you! Don’t be afraid to get personal. People love to hear your weird little quirks. 

    While your about page should be fun and light-hearted. Make sure that it is also informational. People want to know how you got started with your business and what sort of credibility it is that you have to be running your business. Most creatives don’t need any sort of license but maybe brainstorm how you can show credibility? Do you have a degree? How long have you been doing what you do? Have you worked with any reputable names in your niche? Is there someone who can vouch for you? It can truly be something as simple as a single testimonial. Just try to add something that will gain your visitors trust.

    Services Page

    Your services page is arguably your most important page on your website. Make it easy to navigate here from your homepage. Your services page is your chance to sell and should include copy that will convince clients they need your service and info about what is included with your service. 

    Your service page can encompass your about page and services information. 

    A great sales page includes:

    β€’ Information about you that will help people get to know and like you.

    β€’ Show your credibility with testimonials and proof of results your clients will see.

    β€’ Information about what is included in your services and pricing. It is up to you whether or not you want to include pricing. Some creatives swear by not including it and some do. In my personal opinion, I like to weed out leads that can’t afford my services instead of spending the time getting on the call with them to find out they can’t afford to work with me.

    β€’ Call to action to book a free consultation


    As a creative, it is extremely important to show off your past work! showing off your past work will build credibility with your visitors and show them that you can not only do what you say you can do but that you are amazing at it! Share an overview of your projects - what the client was looking for and how you solved the problem. Give visitors an insider on what it’s like to work with you!

    Share the transformation! If you are an interior designer, sharing before and after pictures is extremely powerful! Your portfolio is also a great place to share testimonials.

    Make sure any pictures of your work are high quality and optimized for SEO!

    And of course… have a call to action!

    Booking page

    Another extremely important part of your website is your schedule/contact page. 

    Make it as easy as possible for leads to get on the phone with you. 

    I would recommend setting up an automatic scheduler through something like Calendly, or Acuity, so your potential clients can see your schedule and see where their schedule meets up with yours. This is a better alternative to a contact form inquiry that gets sent to your email where they would ask to book a call with you. This is a step that can easily be cut out of the process. You want to minimize the back and forth at this point. Automate the booking process to make it as easy breezy as possible. 

    If you are interested in a Client Relationship Management tool to manage contracts, payments, and scheduling all in one, I can recommend Honeybook. This CRM is highly recommended specifically for creatives because of the project pipeline feature, contract + invoice templates, payment system, schedule, and more!  Follow this link to get 50% off. This is an affiliate link. By using the link I will receive a little something from Honeybook that comes at no cost to you.


    Having a blog isn’t essential for converting clients but I highly recommend it as it increases your visibility on the web. Blogging is great for SEO by making it easy to rank on Google through your blog posts and getting more traffic to your site. Loyal blog visitors = potential clients. 

    Create strategic blog posts that speak directly to your ideal client. Again, blogging is a great way to gain credibility by showing readers you know what you are talking about. A key component of being a successful business owner is placing yourself as an expert in your niche. If you are a photographer you could write blog posts about your shoots. If you are a florist, write blog posts about the events you have designed and take it as a chance to show off your gorgeous designs!

    Check out my post The Squarespace E-commerce SEO Checklist for tips on making sure your products can be found through organic search!

    If you are still feeling overwhelmed by everything that goes into a perfect website, I can help! Feel free to pop on over to my services page to learn more!


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