How to set up blog categories in Squarespace 7.1


So you’ve decided to start a blog with Squarespace… and now you are trying to binge every single blog post out there about Squarespace blog features and functionalities.

Good for you! You’ve come to the right place.

One thing to remember when starting a blog is that it is important to keep your content organized. If you write about multiple topics, make it easy for your audience to find exactly what they are looking for!

Even if you only have a few blog posts, in the beginning, that's okay. Set yourself up for success by organizing your blog from the get-go. One way to do this is to organize your posts into categories! If you wait until you have 30 blog posts to add categories, you’ll have to go back through to every blog post and change the category setting. Yeah, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but do me a favor and just make things easier on yourself by planning ahead.

Now you are asking…Well how the heck do I set up categories?

Well luckily, I am about to show you just how to set up your blog categories in Squarespace so you can be a real-life blogger….that has organized blog posts!

Step one - write a blog post… Of course!

After you have written your blog post, go into the blog post settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the browser.

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In the blog settings window, in the content tab, go under categories to simply add a new category for your blog post. I have added this particular blog post to the business category.

Note: Feel free to add your blog post to multiple categories if it is relevant!

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Once you have assigned your blog post to a category, you can create a button or a link for your categories in your blog home page. This way, when someone clicks on any given category, only the blog posts assigned to that category will show.

Once you are back to your blog home page, find an insert point in the header to either add a text link or a button for the corresponding category. In this instance, I will be using a button.

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Once you have created your button, go under the button settings by clicking on the pencil icon. Once you have renamed your button to correspond with the category, go to link editor by clicking the gear icon.

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In the link editor, under the page tab, search for your blog page and select it. Once you have your blog page selected, another drop down for categories will show up. There you should see all the categories you have added to your blog posts including any you just added. Note: If you have just added a new blog post with a new category and your category isn’t showing up in the link editor, make sure your blog post is published. Once you have selected the corresponding category for the button or link you want to make, click save, close out of the link editor, and test it out!

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When you click on your button or link, you should see that only your blog posts for the corresponding category show up. This will make it easy for your visitors to navigate your blog topics which creates for a more pleasant blog binging experience for your audience!

Speaking of categories…. If you found this blog post helpful! feel free to check out my other Squarespace tutorials here!

If you are finding the Squarespace website set-up completely and utterly overwhelming, feel free to pop on over to my services page to find out about how I can set up a completely customized Squarespace website + blog just for you.


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